
I'm almost(...) convinced that the issue is not about the fact that iPlanet
cannot find the struts library, because I think it can. Do you know if the
JSP compiler has it's own environmental settings like classpaths etc?
Because it also could be that during compilation of the JSP the compiler
misses something and that could be the reason why no class file is

Raymond (Getting more an more gray hairs...)

> > It looks like you might be running iPlanet, if so,
> > make sure struts.jar is in your classpath in kregedit.
> > Also, if you have any ActionClass or FormClasses
> > that you're calling from action, you'll need to make
> > sure the full path to
> > \iPlanet\ias6\...\APPS\...\WEB-INF\classes is in
> > your classpath.  It's a bug in iPlanet, but this
> > workaround works like a charm.  
> > Let me know if you have any other iPlanet issues,
> > as I have spent a fair amount of time
> > getting struts to work on iPlanet.
> > 
> > Hope this helps,
> > 
> > Matt
> -----------------------------------------
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Does anyone recognize the error message below? It
> happens at runtime.
> Initializing configuration from resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
> [20/Jun/2001 11:33:22:2] info: action:  Looking for
> Action instance for
> class OrderSample.web.MyOrderSetProfileAction
> [20/Jun/2001 11:33:22:2] info: action:   
> Double checking for Action instance already there
> [20/Jun/2001 11:33:22:2] info: action:   Creating new Action instance
> [20/Jun/2001 11:33:22:2] info:
> [20/Jun/2001 11:33:28:7] error: Exception: SERVLET-compile_failed: 
> Failed in compiling template: /web/MyOrderQuery.jsp, JSP Error: 
> Class was not found for :html 
> Exception Stack Trace: 
> java.lang.Exception: JSP Error: Class was not found for :html
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.addTagdata(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseUserTag(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseTag(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseNext(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseBlock(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parse(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.compile(Unknown Source)
>       at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.JSPtoJava(Unknown
> ... etc.

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