Yes, I have one! It is the only place where it didn't work in my entire

-----Message d'origine-----
De : David Winterfeldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : jeudi 28 juin 2001 16:02
Objet : Re: Something strange about "iterate" tag

Do you have a setObjectives method in your bean?  You
need it for the PropertyUtils to find the method (has
to do with the JavaBean spec).


> Hello struts users,
> I have a very strange problem in a jsp!! Indeed, the
> iterate tag works well for a property but doesn't
> work
> properly for another:
>  * In my JSP:
>      <logic:iterate id="prerequisite" name="course"
>                     property="preRequisites">
>        <bean:write name="prerequisite"/>
>      </logic:iterate>
>      <logic:iterate id="objective" name="course"
>                     property="objectives">
>        <bean:write name="objective"/>
>      </logic:iterate>
>  * In my bean:
>     public String[] getObjectives() {return
> objectives;}
>     public String[] getPreRequisites()
>     {return (String[]) preRequisites.clone();}
> The first iterate tag is OK (preRequistes), but the
> second doesn't work (objectives) and provide this
> error: "No getter method for property objectives of
> bean
> course ".
> Please help me, a "objectives" getter is already
> present
> in my bean !!!

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