
A giant thank you!!! There is nothing like source when in trouble :-)

Will try it at once....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Merikan Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 9:20 AM
> Subject: RE: Problems with iterate
> Here is a working example of nested properties in an iterator.
> All I need is an indexed getter and setter for address in my testBean.( 
>getAddress(int index) ) 
> <% String propertyValue = null;%>
> <logic:iterate id="address" name="testBean" property="addresses" 
> <tr>
>   <td valign="top">
>     Index #[<bean:write name="addressIndex"/>]
>   </td>
>   <td>
>     <table border="0">
>       <tr>
>         <th>Street:</th>
>         <td>
>           <% propertyValue = "address[" + addressIndex + "].street"; %> 
>           <html:text property="<%=propertyValue%>"/>
>         </td>  
>       </tr> 
>       <tr>
>         <th>Zip Code:</th>
>         <td>
>         <% propertyValue = "address[" + addressIndex + "].zipCode"; %> 
>           <html:text property="<%=propertyValue%>"/>
>         </td>  
>       </tr> 
>     </table>
>   </td>
> </tr>
> </logic:iterate>
> /Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Torsten Terp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: den 1 juli 2001 20:01
> To: Struts user list
> Subject: Problems with iterate
> Hi,
> Sorry if this has been answered before, but i havent been able to find an answer!
> Im using iterate to display a vector containg valueobjects, i.e., 
> <html:form action="showContacts">
> <logic:iterate id="contacts" name="form" property="contactDataVector">
> <html:hidden name="contacts" property="contactId"/>
> <tr>
>   <td width="150">    
>     <html:text name="contacts" property="firstName" size="20"/>
>   </td>
>   <td width="150">
>     <html:text name="contacts" property="lastName" size="20"/>
>   </td>
> </tr>
> ...
> ...
> 'form' is my struts form bean, 'contactDataVector' is a vector of 'contactData'
> objects each containing (among others) the variables 'firstName' and 'lastName'.
> There is no problem in displaying the data, all goes well, but updating fields 
> in the form is not working, when i want to save the changes in the struts action 
> the vector is null! I can see that making a variable 'firstName' in the form, results
> in a call to its setter method, i.e., i can make it work when updating a single row, 
> but i cant manage to get the update to work on the actual contactData objects in the
> vector. ?!?!
> Any advices out there?? 
> ^terp

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