hi gerald,

i don't now if i really understand your problem.
in my opinion, the ClientInfoForm has noting to do with your 

i would prefere this (regards to the struts-sample-app):

1) logon.jsp - LogonAction - LogonForm
LogonForm validates the fields username and password are filled out by 
the user.
LogonAction instantiates your ClientInfoBean and call some methods on 
it to verify if the user is already registrated (read the record from 
the database) - if not, error and back to the logon-page (or create a 
new account,....).
but if the user is registrated, put the ClientInfoBean-Object into the 
session-context  and go to the main-menu.
2) clientinfo.jsp - Edit/SaveClientInfoAction - ClientInfoForm
EditClientInfoAction retrieve the ClientInfoBean-Object from the 
session-context, calls some methods on it to fill the fields in 
if submit is clicked, do some simple validations in 
ClientInfoForm (are the fields filled out, date's valid entered,...).
in SaveClientInfoAction retrieve the ClientInfoBean-Object from the 
session-context, call the validation-methods on your ClientInfoBean and 
save the data, display an error,....

hope that helps

Am Sonntag, 15. Juli 2001 05:54 schrieben Sie:
> I started an app where I have a client login and jump to a main menu.
> From that menu the client can modify their account info.  I have a
> ClientInfoForm bean, a ClientInfoAction and a clientinfo.jsp input
> form. I have also created a ClientInfoBean which has all of the
> business logic to retrieve the clients info from the database and
> save it back out when finished.
> I have the ClientInfoForm doing all of the appropriate validation
> stuff and the ClientInfoAction communicates fine with the
> ClientInfoBean to save all of the data back to the database.  My
> problem is how and when to get the ClientInfoForm bean to communicate
> with the ClientInfoBean so that when the clientinfo.jsp form loads,
> the fields are properly filled in.  Is it appropriate to create a
> constructor for the ClientInfoForm so that when it is created the
> communication with the ClientInfoBean happens then or is there a more
> appropriate way?
> Thank you in advance,
> -gerald

Klaus Thiele - Personal & Informatik AG

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