Hi - I just did this in my form.

html:errors itself doesnt do this. My actionform holds the   row and column
index of my error field which are set at the of validation.

what i do is check if the error object exists and if the row and column
indices match one of the fields being displayed - the cell is colored red.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Brahm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 9:25 AM
Subject: html:errors tag?


is it possible to do something like this with struts:

I have a form with labels for the input fields.
These labels have the font color blue.

The Form is validated by the FormBean.
When one or more fields of the form are invalid
and the control is forwarded back to the input form,
the labels of the invalid input fields should have the font color red.

In general, is it possible to output one text and in case of an error 
another one?

Can I do this with the struts-tag-libs (html:errors)?


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