
I've done something similar.  My solution (which may not be ideal) was as
follows: define an ArrayList property ("activitiesToDelete") in the Form
bean to which you are submitting this form.  Then use a cell inside your
iterator like this:

        <html:multibox property="activitiesToDelete">
        <bean:write name="aktivitaet" property="aktivitaetname"/>

In the Action class to which you are submitting, you can then get a list
of the activities you want to delete like this,

String[] toDelete = request.getParameterValues("activitiesToDelete");

Perhaps there's a more elegant way to do this, but when I needed to do it
I didn't find one that was clearly explained in either the documentation
or the mailing list.

-- Rohan.

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Stefan Faist wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have the fallowing iteration:
> <logic:iterate id="aktivitaet" name="projektForm" property="aktivitaeten">
> <tr>
>       <td><nobr><bean:write name="aktivitaet"
> property="aktivitaetname"/></nobr></td>
>       <td><nobr><bean:write name="aktivitaet"
> property="beschreibung"/></nobr></td>
> // Here I want to have a checkbox. With this checkbox I want to select which
> "aktivitaet" I want to delete.
> // But how can I access to these checkboxes?
> </tr>
> </logic:iterate>
> I hope you understand what I want.
> Have someone a solution for my Problem.
> Best regards,
> Stefan

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