We just upgraded our versions of WebLogic and Struts. 
        WebLogic :  6.0 sp 2   ==>  6.1.  
        Struts: 1.0 nightly build Feb ? 2001 ==> 1.0
Most things worked without a hitch, however we are experiencing a problem
that I am having difficulty resolving.

We have the following entries defined in struts_config.xml:

    <!-- update buyer form bean -->
    <form-bean      name="updateBuyerForm"

    <!-- update buyer -->
    <action    path="/updateBuyer"
      <forward name="success"              path="/pages/updateBuyer.jsp"/>
      <forward name="failure"              path="/pages/updateBuyer.jsp"/>
      <forward name="securityError"        path="/logoff"/>

The UpdateBuyer form has a step attribute with a getStep() and a setStep()

The update buyer action is first invoked with the url
../cmd/updateBuyer?step=prepare. where /cmd/*  is mapped to the struts
action servlet.  Everything works as expected.  The updateBuyer jsp displays
a form with a hidden property for step where the value is 'commit'

        <html:form action="/cmd/updateBuyer">
          <html:hidden property="step" value="commit"/> 

                  <bean:message key="button.submit"/>

When the user fills in the form and pushes the submit button, the
updateBuyer action is invoked and the step parameter in the
HttpServletRequest object has two values 'prepare' and 'commit'.  I would
only expect one value (i.e., 'commit').  This behavior is consistent for all
parameters that are passed in via the original url.

Previously this code worked.  Nowhere in the updateBuyer.jsp can 'prepare'
be found.  It is as if the request state from the previous request is being
maintained across requests.

Does anyone have an idea as to what might be occurring.

Thanks in advance,


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