On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Tom Tibbetts wrote:

> Hi all.  Is there example code about how to implement saveToken and 
> isValidToken methods.  Core J2ee patterns gives a good talk on theory but 
> they drop the ball with examples.

The book even quotes the Struts code that implements this pattern :-).

>  Thanks in advance.  Tom

This feature is actually used in the example application shipped with
Struts -- but it's so easy to utilize that it's almost invisible.

Down near the bottom of EditRegistrationAction, you will see the call:


which tells Struts to invoke the transaction control mechanism.  When
registration.jsp is displayed, the <html:form> tag will include an extra
hidden variable with the submit (you can see it with "View Source") that
is then validated by this code in SaveRegistrationAction:

  if (!isTokenValid(request)) {
    ... handle the error ...

Note that there are *zero* changes necessary in the JSP page itself to use
this stuff -- it's totally a decision of the business logic designer when
transaction tokens are appropriate.  (Custom tags are your friend ;-).

The whole point of the exercise is to catch "double posts" to the database
caused by the user using their back button.  To prove that it works, try

* Log on to the example app and select the
  "Edit your registration" link.

* Make some changes and press Save.

* Although you're now on the main menu again,
  use your browser's back arrow and resubmit
  the form again.

* You will get an error message because the
  transaction control token will no longer
  be valid.

As a general design note, this pattern is especially easy to use when you
have a "pre-form" action to set things up (EditRegistrationAction in this
case) and a "post-form" action to process it.  The "pre-form" action is
also a perfect place to pre-initialize the form bean with values from your


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