I use a BaseAction class that does all my normal struts stuff like setting
the request, doing authentication checking, managing the object cache,
etc...and have been contemplating implementing this architecture:

In my form, I already use an "action" variable that tells me what i'm doing
in my action class...probably the way most folks do it...but I'd like to
have an action variable that might be like:
"addSomething,addAnother,editSomethingElse"...the action class would then
reflect those methods and call them in order...that way my "real" action
classes only subclass my base class and implement any of the methods i
choose to call from the action variable...i use object-wide variables for
stuff like the request, mapping, etc...

my question, though, is if this would violate any major design concepts, or
introduce an unweildy performance bottleneck in my action classes...i
already use reflection in my form validation code, but that's just
getReadMethod stuff, so no big deal...i was wondering if anyone has
experience with all-around performance with reflection in action classes??
i know someone posted a while back that they had done some testing and found
an insignificant difference between static method calls and reflected stuff,
but i didn't know what *types* of reflection that entailed...i would
basically have to do a lot of getMethod()s, which i've heard can be quite

any thoughts/help would be appreciated! :-)

Jon Brisbin

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