What I was trying to say was metaphorically speaking
comparing different boxing weight divisions.

Raw JSP Servlets is featherweight

Struts is a light weight  flyweight

Expresso is medium weight

WebSphere / Oracle AS / JBoss / Enhydra / BEA are heavy weight
because they guarantee Enterprise level features. (You can usually
start with a raw standard "J2EE Server" then buy extras like
a personalisation server or portal server.)

What I am saying is just because you are using Struts that you cant
write an enterprise level portal site like `support.dell.com'. But
you would be creaking and struggling if you did not piggy bank
Struts with J2EE features.

The increase of scale goes up (ie the weight)  with what the framework
can do. You can have high level of security, transaction integrity,
and business confidence if you choose one of J2EE app server with
the supplementary portal product.

I like what I see of Struts so far. It is lightweight it is at the level
of "intermediate web application development". It is easy to get
into. It is popular , because are two Wrox books about it already
"Programming JSP 2nd Edition" and "Web App Prog 1st Edition" (I think?).
Best of all it is an MVC framework that works, although it is not
a mission critical piece of firmware.

The last part is important because my boss, and his boss, and his boss
want to know that my development ideas are sound. I can see the
"Cost/Benefit" memo wafting over to me now.

Any one want to add categories for a super heavy division?

Peter Pilgrim          |  |        ++44 (0)207-545-9923
            .... \  \  ___   /  / ... .
            -   ----  ( * )  ---   --
_____________________________Cafe_Savannah,_San Antonio,Ibiza__

---------------------------------------- Message History 

From: Peter Pilgrim/DMGIT/DMG UK/DeuBa@DMG UK on 30/08/2001 16:53

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  RE: Any Struts User uses the Expresso Framework ?

It depends what you need in the end. I would say

"Struts is a lighter weight framework for developing web applications"

"Expresso is a medium weight framework developing database-driven
web applications"

If you do not need to scalability, distributable server, transaction safe,
robust, component architecture then you dont need
an J2EE application server.

If you do need talk to database often, need a lot of grunt taken
out of writing your own object to relational table mapping. If
you also want dont want to write your own security. If you want
security already for your servlets, actions, then I'd say
Expresso is worth looking for.

If you want to roll your security, user profile, and have simple
requirements for mapping objects to database table, can
live a basic form security, which roll on on your won,
then you can live with Struts.

The problem web app is that the technology is moving
faster. First there were Servlet, then JSPs, and now
we have frameworks. It's the old trade off issues again
"time to market, time to customers" you decide. I know I dont
want to go back to pure Java Servlets again in hurry. That's my word.
Peter Pilgrim          |  |        ++44 (0)207-545-9923
            .... \  \  ___   /  / ... .
            -   ----  ( * )  ---   --
_____________________________Cafe_Savannah,_San Antonio,Ibiza__

---------------------------------------- Message History 

From: Robert Domachevsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 30/08/2001 11:39 AST


To:   Peter Pilgrim/DMGIT/DMG UK/DeuBa@DMG UK
Subject:  RE: Any Struts User uses the Expresso Framework ?

Hello Peter,

I run a small  shop which has been learning Expresso.  I am concerned about
the duplication of functionality and resulting confusion between Expresso
4.0 and Struts that Pete Carapetyan expressed in his message a few days
ago.  Being a core contributer to Expresso do you have any comments.  I am
starting to think that maybe I am better off just using Struts because of
the much larger interest in Struts vs Expresso.

Bob Domachevsky

-----Original Message-----
From:     Peter Pilgrim [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:     Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:07 PM
Subject:  Any Struts User uses the Expresso Framework ?


Now that I was __bloodied__ my fingers with raw jakarta Struts.
It 's looking quite good. I can feel the power.

I wonder if any struts users are using the Expresso Framework 4.0 ea
which integrates the Struts Release 1.0. I am a Core contributer
with Expresso Framework so that why I am asking.

Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer, Senior Systems Analyst,
OTC Derivatives IT, Deutsche Bank UK, 1-133 Houndsditch,
London, EC3A 7DX England

Peter Pilgrim          |  |        ++44 (0)207-545-9923
            .... \  \  ___   /  / ... .
            -   ----  ( * )  ---   --
_____________________________Cafe_Savannah,_San Antonio,Ibiza__


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