We're having some difficulty tracking down how we could use the value on the
bean in an iterate loop could be used in a next iterate.  Here's the

<logic:iterate id="category_row" name="def_categories" type="bean.Category"
        <%-- some category header html goes here --%>
        <logic:iterate id="trait_row" name="personalinfo"
                <%-- some html goes here related to each trait of the given
category --%>

The problem is that there is a method "getId()" on the Category class and
that is the indexed value I want to pass as "x" in the property="Traits[x]"
statement.  I can do a bean:write to get the property out of the individual
Category instances but how do I get that into an expression for the nested

As a bonus question I set up the Category bean with an attribute name of
"def_categories" using a jsp:useBean to actually instantiate the bean (wait
before you comment on that).  What I would prefer to do is change the
getCategories() method on the Category class to a static method and capture
the array of Category and iterate through it.  Any thoughts how that could
be done would also be appreciated.


Keith Paap

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