You cannot next tags as you are trying to do.

My advice would be to make a forward in your struts-config.xml file that is:

<forward name="editServiceReport" path="/" />

Then in your jsp page, you can code your link using a regular <a href> tag:

<a href="<html:rewrite forward="editServiceReport"
/>&operationActivityId=<bean:write name="activity" property="id"/>">link

This has worked for me.

--- Antonio Lourinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm new to Struts and i'm already working on a project that takes advantage
> of it.
> The problem is: i'm trying to put a link, and the page attribute depends
> upon the value of a bean defined by an iterate tag.
> something like:
> <html:link
> page="/<bean:getProper
> ty name="activity" property="id"/>"/>
> the error is:
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException:
> C:\Dev\Projectos\ControloHoras\web_app\ServiceReport.jsp(171,115) Attribute
> activity has no value
> Does anybody have a clue?
> Antonio - Portugal
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