I don't think you can embed a form in a form in a
standard html form.  You could use JavaScript to copy
values from an inner form to hidden fields in the
outer form when it is submitted though.


--- Michelle Popovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone tried embedding a form within a form.
> In which case when the embedded form is submitted
> only parms within the form 
> would be submitted, and when the outer form is
> submitted would it include 
> all parms including those within it's embedded
> forms.
> I haven't tried this, but I would be interested in
> hearing if others have 
> (or if it's even possible).  Some of my designs
> might use this approach (but 
> then again I might redesign them a different way if
> it's too convoluted).
> Michelle
> >Subject: Re: multi form pages
> >Date: 26 Sep 2001 07:44:57 -0700
> >
> >What you are asking is really an HTML question.  I
> don't believe you will 
> >have any problem with multiple forms on a single
> page.  However, I do 
> >believe that only the parameters of the submitted
> form will be sent to the 
> >server.
> >
> >I've never tried this and am willing to be
> corrected by anyone who knows 
> >for certain!
> >
> >On Wed, 26 September 2001, "Hogan, John" wrote:
> >
> > >
> Transitional//EN">
> > > <HTML><HEAD>
> > > <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"
> CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
> > >
> > >
> > > <META content="MSHTML 5.00.3103.1000"
> > > <BODY><SPAN class=636530314-26092001>
> > > <DIV><SPAN class=636530314-26092001><FONT
> face=Arial size=2><SPAN
> > > class=636530314-26092001>There's been quite a
> bit of discussion on the 
> >list
> > > about multi-page forms, but nothing on
> multi-form
> > > pages.</SPAN></FONT></SPAN></DIV>
> > > <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > > <DIV><SPAN class=636530314-26092001></SPAN><FONT
> size=2><FONT 
> >face=Arial>D<SPAN
> > > class=636530314-26092001>oes anyone know if
> </SPAN>a single jsp<SPAN
> > > class=636530314-26092001> can</SPAN> contain
> more than one form
> > > section&nbsp;<SPAN class=636530314-26092001>that
> </SPAN>reference 
> >different
> > > ActionForm objects?<SPAN
> class=636530314-26092001>&nbsp;
> > > TIA.</SPAN></FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > > <DIV><SPAN
> class=636530314-26092001></SPAN>&nbsp;</DIV><FONT 
> >size=2><FONT
> > > face=Arial>
> > > <DIV><SPAN 
> > > <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
> > >
> class=636530314-26092001></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > > <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
> > >
> >
> >--
> >Steven Valin
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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