I haven't tried it myself, but according to the doc for the html:link tag,
you can specify a bean that returns a map which specifies all of the
parameters... the contents of that bean clearly could change between
invocations, thus giving you dynamic parameters...

Hope this helps -

-----Original Message-----
From: lisa ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: dynamic forwards

Hi all,

I am having the exact same problem as Chiji, so I have just copied and 
pasted a bulk of his email (Sorry Chiji) .  Im literally pulling my hair out

over this one.  Chiji, if you have solved the problem let me know or point 
me in the right direction.


Chiji's email reads:

---------------------- start of Chiji's email----------------------

Im in a bit of dilema, I don't understand is what I should do if the 
parameters which are used by the html:link (forward) tag are generated on 
the fly.  I can't hard code all the forwards in my config file because I 
don't know how may parameters there will be in advance.  Since I don't know 
the amount parameters in advance I can't specify which form bean each of the

actions with, appended parameter values, should use.

This is what my problem looks like:

in config file:

<forward name="search"  path="/do/search" />

<action path="/search"
       scope="request" />

in jsp file:

<logic:iterate id="pageNumber" name="pageList" offset="0">
<html:link forward="search" paramName="pageNumber" paramId="pageNumber>
     <bean:write name="pageNumber" />
<html:hidden property="pageNumber" />

when I use:

<html:link forward="search" >

it works fine and think this is because of the mapping in the config file.

I would want the forward to 'search' (/do/search) as well as the forward to
'search' and it parameters (/do/search?pageNumber=1) to use the same form

I hope this makes sense.

---------------------- end of Chiji's email----------------------


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