Hi all,
I am stuck up on how to achieve dynamic forwarding. Issue is in action
mappings of struts config file, a simple forward for an action appears as

<forward name="display" redirect="false" path="/directory1/somepage.jsp" />

But during my application flow, the page to display may end up
/directory3/somepage.jsp. Which directory to use to pick up somepage.jsp is
dynamic. I am planning to put three different forward elements in action as 

<forward name="directory1_display" redirect="false"
path="/directory1/somepage.jsp" />
<forward name="directory2_display" redirect="false"
path="/directory2/somepage.jsp" />
<forward name="directory3_display" redirect="false"
path="/directory3/somepage.jsp" />

This is an existing application and we are trying to convert to struts. Is
there a better way to achieve this ?.


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