Whoops.  Ignore that.  I gave you a solution to a slightly different problem.

Eric Rizzo wrote:

> Has anyone come up with a good way to implement a dual-list interface using
> Struts?  I mean a UI where there are two lists, a source and a destination, and
> buttons to move items between them.  Obviously, the lists would be created with
> <html:select> tags, and the source list can be populated with <html:option[s]>
> tags.  The big problem I see is how to get the destination list contents into
> the form bean when the form is submitted.  The Action is not interested in what
> is selected in the list, but instead the list's entire contents.
> There are JavaScript solutions that I can think of, but I'm hoping that someone
> may have found a way to do it without resorting to that ugliness.
> TIA,
>         Eric
> --
> Eric Rizzo, Software Engineer
> OpenNetwork Technologies
> http://www.opennetwork.com
> -----------------------------
> I embrace my personality flaws, for without them
> I might have no personality at all.

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