For me I'm curious if you use html:errors (ActionErrors) at all?  More specifically, how did you pop up the singin error on another window instead of on the same window if html:errors were used?
Nice site, thanks for sharing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Grohs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 10:48 AM
Subject: New professional STRUTS website

Please have a look at this new site developed to produce offline physcial product through an online web based application for Hallmark, Inc. by iXL, Inc.(NYC).  I would be happy to provide more detail into any questions anyone may have in terms of the STRUTS implimentation or other solutions for the build.  I have been reading this list for a long time and working on this project for a very long time hoping to expose STRUTS as a fantastic framework for implimenting proffessional MVC based web applications.
Adam S. Grohs

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