I would have thought that you are going to have to try and read the first
element of the Collection prior to the iterate tag, and store the first
element in the page context so that you can use its name and desc attributes
to populate the table caption.
You could try with tags but I would use a scriptlet to start with. Don't
forget to ensure that the Vector is not empty before reading the first


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Colic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 October 2001 13:17
To: Struts
Subject: REPOST: A hint how to do the following with a bean.


Need a hint on how to do the following:

I have a bean which is a vector of items. Each item object has a name,
description price etc. When the user selects an item I create this vector
and pass it to a page which iterates through the vector and creates a table.
Something like:

name     desc     price     storeroom    buyer

The table I get has the same data for the first two rows. I want to take out
those first two rows and place them into the table caption. Without
iterating through the vector how can I get the name and desc property of the
first item. That data is going to be the same for all the other items in the

Thanks for any help.


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