To get the first element of the Vector set the length=1 in the iterate tag
for example:

<logic:iterate id="currRecord" name="beanName" property="vectorName"
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="name"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="desc"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="price"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="storeroom"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="buyer"/>

Then to read the rest of the entries in the vector set the offset of the
iterate to such as:
<logic:iterate id="currRecord" name="beanName" property="vectorName"
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="name"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="desc"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="price"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="storeroom"/>
 <bean:write name="currRecord" property="buyer"/>

Kimberly MacKellar

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Colic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 7:17 AM
To: Struts
Subject: REPOST: A hint how to do the following with a bean.


Need a hint on how to do the following:

I have a bean which is a vector of items. Each item object has a name,
description price etc. When the user selects an item I create this vector
and pass it to a page which iterates through the vector and creates a table.
Something like:

name     desc     price     storeroom    buyer

The table I get has the same data for the first two rows. I want to take out
those first two rows and place them into the table caption. Without
iterating through the vector how can I get the name and desc property of the
first item. That data is going to be the same for all the other items in the

Thanks for any help.


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