Hi Scott.
not that I know of.  I ended up grabbing the ServletOutputStream from the 
response and streaming my file to the client that way.  On the JSP, I 
create a link that points to action mapping I've designated to do the 
download. Remember to set the content type of the file.  For the header, do 
the following:
         "attachment; filename=\"" +
         fileName +
         "\"" );

now, a question for all those who've done this before me.  When I do this, 
IE will pop up two dialog boxes in a row asking if I wish to save or open 
an application to deal with the download.  Netscape will just open up a 
file save dialog box.  Is there anyway to keep IE from doing the two dialog 

At 11:47 AM 10/4/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>I noticed there is support in struts to allow a person to load a file
>from their local station to the server.
>Is there support to go the other direction?  I have an application that
>allows the user to download data to a file on their local system.  I
>would like to create the data on the server and then pop up a window to
>allow the user to select a location to store the data on their box.  I
>would then stream the data to that file on their system.
>Any suggestions would be appreciated or pointers to other sites that
>might discuss this.
>Scott Ryan
>First Bank Data Corporation
>Work: (303) 235-1485
>Cell:    (303 263-3044

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