There is a validate extension that may do what you

I believe that it is part of the nightly build as

- Sandeep
--- Alex Colic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> could someone give me some architecture hints on how
> to do the following:
> Lets say you have a business object that has a
> couple of mandatory and
> optional fields populated by the user. The user goes
> from page to page, each
> time inputting either a required piece of info or an
> optional piece of info.
> I need to create a web GUI to allow an administrator
> to specify which
> optional fields for their site are mandatory. When
> the user goes through
> each page he must populate the mandatory and any
> optional fields made
> mandatory.
> My first idea was to create an xml document that
> consisted of the business
> field name and then a true/false flag. The web page
> would allow the user to
> set the optional fields as required or not. Then I
> thought I could feed this
> document to my business object and set boolean
> fields to required or not.
> Then the question is how do I force a user to input
> a piece of info when
> they visit a mandatory page?
> An example of my proposed code is:
> private int stockNumber; //optional field
> private boolean bStockNumberRequired=false; //flag
> to specify if this field
> is now required
> public void setStockNumber(int i);
> public int getStockNumber();
> public void isStockNumberRequired(boolean is)
> public boolean getStockNumberRequired();
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> Alex

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