I've discovered quite by accident that the Struts templating framework
allows me to eliminate duplication of my JSP pages by simply including the
body page inline to the template definition page. By this I mean I combine
both pages into one as follows:

<template:insert ...>
        <template:put name="header" ... />
        <template:put name="nav" ... />
        <template:put name="body" ... />

                ... BODY HTML GOES HERE ...


I'd previously enquired on this list how I could eliminate the duplication
of the pages where the main body HTML exists in a separate JSP page that is
simply referred to from the definition file i.e. <template:put name="body"
content="/blah/blah/body.jsp"/>. Strangely nobody responded with the above
solution so I'm wondering is this simply a side-effect of the PutTag class
or Craig, did you intend for it to work this way? I'm quite surprised I
haven't seen this technique used in any of the examples. Rather, the
duplication is suggested. The new Tiles extension allows the above which
prompted me to try it with the Struts template tag library just for grins,
and it worked!

Is there a problem with doing it inline like I illustrate above? I looked at
the source code and I see the PutTag class does extend BodyTagSupport so
everything should work fine. So far, the stuff I've played around with seems
to work fine with no problems.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Darryl Pentz

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