I would be interested in your approach. I used Cocoon to publish to a PDF 
file. Anyone with integration issues between the two frameworks?



>  I'm interested in this as well.  I just finished a project writing a 
XSL/FO stylesheet to generate a report, and did the creation through 
command line via a junit test suite.  
> If you get this figured out, let me know, I'd be happy to help publish a 
struts-fop example! 
> Matt
>   "John M. Corro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Has anyone ever 
generated a PDF file (via FOP) from an Action servlet? Any
> implications in doing so via an Action servlet vs. a standard/plain 
> I've reviewed the servlet example from the FOP distro. and it seems as 
if as
> long as I have access to the response object (which I do in the Action
> servlet) I should be fine.
> For those interested, the situation is that (from a servlet) I will be 
> Enhydra's Zeus to generate an in-memory XML doc, then using that XML doc 
> a pre-written XSL stylesheet I plan on using FOP to build a PDF doc and
> shoot it back to the user's browser. Not too out of the ordinary, but I'd
> like to inquire into any pitfalls.
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