let me take your second question first:
i used I18N tags on tomcat 1.3 they worked well and as i changed my 
languages preferances on my browese to test them, all worked well.
i then tried the same on orion - i spent about 6 hours trying to figure 
out why the page would appear without error but appeared blank - i had 
to seperate the I18N tags at least one space away from any other tag or 
figure!! wild little time waster...

as for your first question - one servlet can handle say a 'load' AND 
'save' function and direct the response back to whatever type of page 
you want visible and it can do it pretty well. use a command pattern to 
organize the presentation and you got it.
i don't know how it'd compare with struts though. (i have a meager 
example of such a command pattern around here some where - otherwise i'd 
sent it to you)

hope that helps

john f


>I have asked several questions in preparation for a Struts demo this week, so
>here is another two.
>Question one:
>Our current app uses "non visual' JSP files to act as our actions.   As with
>struts actions, we only access the pages through these files.  Each page will
>have a 'load' and upon submit will pass through a 'save' and then onto the
>actual desired action.  This structure has proven difficult to work with and
>maintain but has kept the control logic away from the HTML(thus my desire for
>Most of these files do not do too much other call an EJB to load or save.    I
>will be making the case that because these files are servlets and that Struts
>keeps the Action Class instances  cached, the required resources be less with
>Can anyone provide me with a Resource/Performance contrast between a struts
>action class and a servlet (doing the same work). It seems logical that
>forwarding between several servlets will be slower that chaining action classes,
>but I would like something to tell the group.
>Question Two:
>     One of my main selling points is internationalization.  So there will be
>alot of tags in the pages.  I have seen what seems to be differing opinions in
>the archive regarding the tags.
>I understand that the tag classes themselves may be cached (by the container) as
>well to improve performance. I also understand that a page built with a bunch of
>tags as opposed to a static text page will load a bit slower.  I have seen posts
>of people claiming that they have taken a huge hit from alot of message tags.
>So my question is......Should I be concerned about the number of tags in my I18N
>We are using WLS 5.1 and probably end with 6.x in the new year( if this means
>Thanks everyone.
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