I am trying to run the struts-example in JBuilder and not having any
luck. Here are the steps I took to set it up:
- First I deployed struts-example.war to my standalone Tomcat 3.2.4
server in order to expand the files (is there another way to expand a
WAR file?)
- created an empty JBuilder project and added a web application to the
project, called struts-example
- moved all the source files from the
<tomcat>\webapps\struts-example\WEB-INF\src folder to the \src folder in
the JBuilder project
- copied all the necessary *.xml, *.tld, *html and *.gif files to their
appropriate places under the struts-example root folder
- created a project library called "Struts 1.0" (in JBuilder --> Tools >
Configure Libraries) which consists only of struts.jar
- selected project Properties > Paths > Required Libraries and added the
following libraries:
    - Struts 1.0 (struts.jar)
    - Tomcat 3.2 Servlet (existing JBuilder library)
    - JAXP (existing JBuilder library, required by Struts)
- selected the web application Properties > Classes and selected "Always
include all classes and resources", then under the Dependencies tab I
selected "Always include all classes and resources" for the "Struts 1.0"
library (so struts.jar) will be placed in the /lib folder of the web
application when deployed); and I selected "Never include any classes or
resources" for the other two libraries: "JAXP" and "Tomcat Servlet 3.2".
When I rebuild the project, it does so successfully, however I get nine
"class has been deprecated" warnings, for example:
"SaveRegistrationAction.java": Warning #: 368 : class
org.apache.struts.util.PropertyUtils in package org.apache.struts.util
has been deprecated at line 83, column 31"
... and:
"DatabaseServlet.java": Warning #: 368 : class
org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils in package org.apache.struts.util has
been deprecated at line 83, column 31"
If I tried to run the project from within JBuilder anyways, and I got
the following error message (some of the message omitted for brevity):
--- snip ---
Error: 500 Location: /struts-example/index.jspInternal Servlet
Error:javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing message for key

 Root cause: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
--- snip ---
I can run the application when I run it under my stand-alone Tomcat
3.2.4 Server but not when I run it under JBuilder (which uses v3.2.1).
Any suggestions? Any JBuilder users out there experiencing similar
problems? I'm relatively new to Struts and developing with JBuilder so
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
- Kevin J. Turner

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