I have successfully run the struts-example.  The difference I can see right
now between your configuration of JBuilder and mine will be:

(1) I have installed nostruts.zip and another opentool extension in the
JBuilder6/lib/ext folder.

(2) I make everything always included in the webapp dependency thing.

>From the error message, you might not have the resource file in the proper
location.  That file contains all the strings used for display in the

Hope this help.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chen, Yong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: Building struts-example in JBuilder

> Have you applied opentool nostruts from Ken?
> http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/listing?id=16369
> Yong Chen
> 713.230.3355
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin J. Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 2:23 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Building struts-example in JBuilder
> I am trying to run the struts-example in JBuilder and not having any
> luck. Here are the steps I took to set it up:
> - First I deployed struts-example.war to my standalone Tomcat 3.2.4
> server in order to expand the files (is there another way to expand a
> WAR file?)
> - created an empty JBuilder project and added a web application to the
> project, called struts-example
> - moved all the source files from the
> <tomcat>\webapps\struts-example\WEB-INF\src folder to the \src folder in
> the JBuilder project
> - copied all the necessary *.xml, *.tld, *html and *.gif files to their
> appropriate places under the struts-example root folder
> - created a project library called "Struts 1.0" (in JBuilder --> Tools >
> Configure Libraries) which consists only of struts.jar
> - selected project Properties > Paths > Required Libraries and added the
> following libraries:
>     - Struts 1.0 (struts.jar)
>     - Tomcat 3.2 Servlet (existing JBuilder library)
>     - JAXP (existing JBuilder library, required by Struts)
> - selected the web application Properties > Classes and selected "Always
> include all classes and resources", then under the Dependencies tab I
> selected "Always include all classes and resources" for the "Struts 1.0"
> library (so struts.jar) will be placed in the /lib folder of the web
> application when deployed); and I selected "Never include any classes or
> resources" for the other two libraries: "JAXP" and "Tomcat Servlet 3.2".
> When I rebuild the project, it does so successfully, however I get nine
> "class has been deprecated" warnings, for example:
> "SaveRegistrationAction.java": Warning #: 368 : class
> org.apache.struts.util.PropertyUtils in package org.apache.struts.util
> has been deprecated at line 83, column 31"
> ... and:
> "DatabaseServlet.java": Warning #: 368 : class
> org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils in package org.apache.struts.util has
> been deprecated at line 83, column 31"
> If I tried to run the project from within JBuilder anyways, and I got
> the following error message (some of the message omitted for brevity):
> --- snip ---
> Error: 500 Location: /struts-example/index.jspInternal Servlet
> Error:javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing message for key
> index.title
>  at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContex
> tImpl.java:459)
>  at
> _0002findex_0002ejspindex_jsp_0._jspService(_0002findex_0002ejspindex_js
> p_0.java:444)
>  ...
>  Root cause: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key
> index.title
>  at
> org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.MessageTag.doStartTag(MessageTag.java:242)
>  at
> _0002findex_0002ejspindex_jsp_0._jspService(_0002findex_0002ejspindex_js
> p_0.java:90)
>  at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
>   ...
> --- snip ---
> I can run the application when I run it under my stand-alone Tomcat
> 3.2.4 Server but not when I run it under JBuilder (which uses v3.2.1).
> Any suggestions? Any JBuilder users out there experiencing similar
> problems? I'm relatively new to Struts and developing with JBuilder so
> any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> - Kevin J. Turner
> --
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