Title: Custom tag performance

For a workflow system, I've created a custom tag (extending the struts BaseInputTag) that combines the functionality of the following struts tags


The custom tag has a property attribute and a key attribute (for the field label), and I modified the base tag readonly attribute so that it outputs the value in a span element if readonly is true, and an input element if readonly is false.

The tag looks like this:

 <ims:tradefield readonly="true" width="85" key="trade.securityinfo.instrumenttype" property="instrumenttype"/>

and produces output like this:

<tr><td class="label" align="right">Instrument Type</td><td><span class="val" style="width:85;">EQUITY</span></td></tr>

In addition, the tag checks the ActionMessages collection to see if there is a message relating to this field, and if there is, it outputs the label in red.

The tag works great; the problem is that my form has about 60 fields on it, and it's a bit slow.

It seems like the custom tag approach produces a *lot* or repeated code. For instance, it looks like the ActionMessages collection is created anew for each tag. Ditto with the Action.MESSAGES_KEY bundle. Is there any way to create these things once at the top of the .jsp page, then just call them from the custom tag?

Any other performance enhancing suggestions?


Attachment: TradeTag.java
Description: Binary data

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