Seems to me this logic belongs in your Action class or better still in you Business 
Logic class.
In action class code like:-

The form bean is supposed to be for transferring data between the form & your action 
class, not
for deciding what the values should be. (I think some people actually generate form 
automatically from the struts form HTML).

--- Alex Paransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a bean on a page which does not have the same structure as a form in
> terms of fields and names of those fields.  However, I want to use values
> from that bean to "DEFAULT" my form values to.  How can I do this without
> resorting to scriplet mode?
> In other words the bean looks like this:
> public class SomeBean {
>   public String getDeviceName() {...
> }
> The form looks like this:
> public class SomeOtherForm extends ActionForm {
>   public void setName(String name) {...
> }
> As you can see, the names in the form, do not match with the bean.  When I
> layout the <html:text ... I would like the value to default to
> someBean.getDeviceName(), but I want it to be written using
> someOtherForm.setName(...).  Using <html:form property= assumes that the
> property defines source and destination.
> I guess, I could "combine" the functionality of SomeBean with SomeOtherForm,
> and use SomeOtherForm instead of SomeBean.  But there are cases when
> SomeBean is used just to get the values and display them on the page outside
> of forms. In other words, SomeBean is used to get the data from the
> datasource.  There could be many more members in SomeBean then in the form.
> I could duplicate the partial logic in SomeOtherForm to do similar stuff
> that SomeBean is doing, but that would be duplication of code.  I already
> have SomeBean which retrieves data for me.
> Am I missing something?
> Thanks.
> -AP_
> www:
> PS: If this question has been answered already, could someone please kindly
> point me to where I can search the archive for older messages?
> --
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