Yes, I know that would work. However, I want BOTH on the same JSP, at the
same time. I don't want one action that decides what to do. I want each form
in the One JSP to submit to a different action.

Thanks for your help though.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple Forms on one JSP...

I use multiple forms successfully in my sample application that I did in the

Wrox Pro JSP 2nd Edition book.  There is one per entry in the HTML table.

--- snip: from showshoppingcart.jsp ----

<html:form action="/">
  <html:hidden property="action" value="update" />
  <html:hidden property="<%= Constants.TITLE_ID %>"
    value="<%= String.valueOf(titleId) %>" />
  <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">
        <bean:define id="quantity" name="cartItem" property="quantity"/>
        <html:text property="quantity"
           value="<%= String.valueOf(quantity) %>"
           size="5" maxlength="5"/>
         <bean:message key="button.update"/>

--- snip: from showshoppingcart.jsp ----

I iterate over a collection of items in the shopping cart and display the 
table.  NOTE, each form has it's own submit button and that I use a hidden 
variable to tell which form was submitted.

Here is the struts-config.xml file entry:

--- snip: from struts-config.xml file ----
    <!-- Process checkout request -->
    <action    path="/checkout"
      <forward name="success"             path="/shoppingcart.jsp"/>
--- snip: from struts-config.xml file ----

Hopes this helps...

Source code from my chapter example can be downloaded from:

There is a new version being placed on the site that is based on the CVS 
snapshot from December.  It's in the read me.  I will be updating this in 
the next month or so to be current with CVS.

Steve Wilkinson

>From: "Rustad, Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Multiple Forms on one JSP...
>Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 13:15:53 -0700
>I seem to be running into a bit of a problem with one of my JSP pages that
>has two forms on it. Only one Form is being instantiated for it. I am sure
>you should be able to have multiple forms.
>Here is an example of my JSP:
><html:form action="/searchFood" >
><table width="224" border="0">
>       ** FORM CODE **
><html:form action="/selectFood">
>       ** MORE FORM CODE **
>   </html:form>
>However, only the Form bean associated with "/searchFood" is instantiated
>and placed in the session.
>Here is the entries I have in the struts-config.xml
>       <action path="/searchFood"
>               type="com.anassina.web.nutrition.SearchFoodAction"
>               name="searchForm"
>               scope="session"
>               validate="false">
>               <forward name="success" path="/nutrition/SearchFood.jsp"/>
>       </action>
>       <!-- Add selected Food -->
>       <action path="/selectFood"
>               type="com.anassina.web.nutrition.SelectFoodAction"
>               name="selectedFoodForm"
>               scope="session"
>               validate="false">
>               <forward name="success"
>       </action>
>I would think that struts should handle this correctly.
>I am not receiving any errors with the exception of the JSP reference to 
>second bean isn't being found.
>Please advise.
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