Hi Folks:

I very versed with Java Swing ui programming as well as server side
programming via servlets and jsp.
I also understand the MVC architecture having done MFC and then JFC so I
understand about models and views and components.

Being new to struts, I am familiarizing myself with the config files
(struts-config and web.xml) and getting familiar with how the framework is
in place.
I've only been doing struts a week as we're in the process of evaluating it
for future conversion of our JFC/Swing app to use more of a 3-tiered

I want to write a simple test application that allows me to insert, update,
and edit rows from a single table as well as to run various reports.

My biggest weakness is building the view.

Can someone point me in the right direction of the best way to go about
learning view components or which ones to use?    I think I'll take the
tiles tutorial as tiles seems to be a popular choice on this forum.

Also, are there any decent tag libs that allow me to display a resultset
into an html table without having to iterate thru the resultset?
Also, I would like to append an "edit", "delete" button to each row in the
table and dynamically build the href link to allow for this.   I am not
sure if there's decent taglibs to do this or if vanilla html is the only
way to go.

Are there decent tutorials on this?

Truthfully, I'm getting the hang of the Controller and Model part of struts
and am comfortable with that.    However, the "view" portion is a totally
different story.
I saw an "html" taglib with struts but the documentation was not as clear
as I had hoped.    I could not get the html:button to work within a form as
I could not locate any examples on how they were used.

thanks so much for any input or comments,

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