Hi Folks:

I'm doing the tiles tutorial at:


It says:
 Copy directory tutorial/images from the distribution tutorial directory to 
 your examples root directory                                               

and then It makes reference to:
<img src="/tutorial/images/headerLeft-logo.gif" align="left" border="0">
<img src="/tutorial /images/headerRight-logo.gif" align="right" border="0">

However, nowhere in my tutorial directory that I downloaded could I find
these gif files.   IS not the distributiion tutorial directory a part of
the tiles.zip and the war files that get autodeployed?    I have a tutorial
directory that got created but not the correct image files so the tutorial
does not match what was installed.

Did I download and use the incorrect tutorial?   I got it from:
and copied the war files so they would be autodeployed.

Anyone know where to get the correct version of the tutorial from tje
distribution tutorial directory?


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