I would suggest using the Commons Logging Package
This is a generic interface to logging packages.  If
Log4J is detected, it will use it.  

excerpt from the website:
"The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between
different logging libraries. Commons components may
use the Logging API to remove compile-time and
run-time dependencies on any particular logging
package, and contributors may write Log
implementations for the library of their choice."


--- Phase Web and Multimedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> log4j would work well. Schedule away a day or so to
> become familiar with it
> and download the 1.2b3 version. This will insure
> that you are prepared for
> the future changes in log4j and will keep you from
> programming with
> deprecated code.
> http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/
> Brandon Goodin
> Phase Web and Multimedia
> P (406) 862-2245
> F (406) 862-0354
> http://www.phase.ws
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Toohey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 7:28 PM
> Subject: Logging in beans
> I would like to log some information in the Tomcat
> log file from my beans.
> But I don't want to use the ActionServlet log
> method, as passing an
> ActionServlet object as a parameter to a bean would
> violate the bean
> philosophy that beans should be completely
> independent of a web application
> framework, such as Struts, for reusability. How
> could I just pass in the
> Stream to the Tomcat log file to a bean so that it
> can log to the Stream and
> maintain its web app framework independence ?
> Thanks,
> Charlie
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