  I am using struts 1.0.2 on weblogic 6.1sp2 jdk1.3.1.
I am facing the folowing problem:

<html:text property="abc" value="<jsp:getProperty name="mybean" 
property="firstName">" />
does not work. This does not even render the textbox. The generated html is
<html:text property="ssn" value=""/>.
If I replace the double-quotes around mybean and firstname by single-quotes 
then the value of the text field becomes &lt;jsp:getProperty name='mybean'  
property='firstName' /&gt;.
The generated html is
<input type="text" name="ssn" maxlength="9" value="&lt;jsp:getProperty 
name='mybean'  property='firstName' /&gt;">
This means ot did not even recognize the jsp:getProperty tag.
But if I use simple html tags instead of struts html tag library and use 
something like the following
<input type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="mybean" 
property="firstName">" />
then it works properly and the value of the text field becomes the value of 
the property named firstName of the bean mybean.

IS it a bug in html tags library or am I doing something wrong.


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