JSP Tag extension uses XML syntax, so JSP Tag calls cannot be nested
(a JSP Tag attribute cannot be set by another tag). You can instead use
scriptlet to set this value

<html:text property="abc" value="<%= ... %>" />

> Hi,
>   I am using struts 1.0.2 on weblogic 6.1sp2 jdk1.3.1.
> I am facing the folowing problem:
> <html:text property="abc" value="<jsp:getProperty name="mybean"
> property="firstName">" />
> does not work. This does not even render the textbox. The generated html
> <html:text property="ssn" value=""/>.
> If I replace the double-quotes around mybean and firstname by
> then the value of the text field becomes &lt;jsp:getProperty name='mybean'
> property='firstName' /&gt;.
> The generated html is
> <input type="text" name="ssn" maxlength="9" value="&lt;jsp:getProperty
> name='mybean'  property='firstName' /&gt;">
> This means ot did not even recognize the jsp:getProperty tag.
> But if I use simple html tags instead of struts html tag library and use
> something like the following
> <input type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="mybean"
> property="firstName">" />
> then it works properly and the value of the text field becomes the value
> the property named firstName of the bean mybean.
> IS it a bug in html tags library or am I doing something wrong.
> Thanks
> Sudipta
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