
Somehow you're using a tag library that doesn't have the indexed tag 
ability. The error is complaining that you've specified the 
indexed="true" attribute, but it doesn't know about it one way or another.

When you speak of two vecotrs, is one return from a bean in the other?...
Anyways, This stuff is easier with the nested tags. Learn about them here...

And yes, you can have whatever you want editable on your list. The 
nested tags intro and tutorial on the site above should show you 
everything you'd need to know about editing things in lists, nested 
lists or whatever. There's a primer and tutorial to get you going.


Annie Chang wrote:

>Can I jump in and ask a question related with this?
>I modified the example come with struts 1.0.2. I want let the user edit
>all Subscriptions at the same time within the page "registration.jsp" 
>My requirements are similar to (but I want multi array properties in one
>form, see blue font text below)
>I doing the following with the sample:
>Add a Form Bean named "SubscriptionsForm" and an action bean named
>"SaveSubscriptionsAction" and modifid the registration.jsp


>Problem is : when I compile the project, all java files are passed. But
>complie error at registration.jsp : 
>      <html:text name="subscription" property="host" indexed="true"/>
>"registration.jsp": Attribute indexed invalid according to the specified
>TLD at line 145, column 7
>What's the matter?  Dose Struts auto-populate Vector
>SubscriptionsForm::subscriptionList for me correctly??
>Further questions: 
>1. Can I merge the two forms in registration.jsp? I mean Can let the
>user modify the registration information and subscriptions using one
>submit button?
>2. Suppose the user has another list - "interested webs", and we want to
>let the user modify them together with other informations in the same
>way of subscriptions. So, we have two Vector in the form bean, how the
>jsp and form bean would be?
>Can you give me any suggestion?
>Thanks very much!

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