Or, use a stylesheet! :)

That's a good one actually. Problem is though, you'll never see what's 
cut off by the width in IE. NS6 actually shows the whole thing when it 
drops down. Quite cool NS!.


John Kroubalkian wrote:

>Have you tried using a stylesheet to help out?
>Ex. The following does some inline styling and then assigns our user-defined
>style "selectskinny" to the <html:select...> tag.
><style type="text/css">
>  .selectskinny {
>    width: 50px ;
>    color:  green ;
>    font-family: arial ;
>    font-size: 8pt ;
>   }
>                     <html:select property="addressstate" size="1"
>                                    disabled="<%=
> billingForm.getFormEditFields() %>">
>----- Original Message -----
>To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 2:54 PM
>Subject: Controlling MaxWidth for html:options or html:select?
>>I'm having a hardtime controlling the field-width for a dropdown using
>>html:select with html:options:
>>For example:
>>               <td ID="small" width="100" maxlength="100">
>>                    <html:select property="addressstate" size="1"
>>                                   disabled="<%=
>>billingForm.getFormEditFields() %>">
>>                                   <html:options collection="states"
>>                                         labelProperty="label"/>
>>                              </html:select>
>>               </td>
>>My "states" collection contains states like:
>>but there's one that is:
>>Problem I am having is no matter how I try and limit the "width" of the
>>dropdown, it wants to be as wide as the largest value in my collection..
>>Is there a way to control this so that you get a "horizontal" scrollbar
>>when you do the dropdown?     In my example above, it's ignoring my "td
>>width="100" and it seems to be taking up about 300 pixels to display the
>>largest value  :-(
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