Hi Max/Chuck,

The struts.jar is called struts.jar only as defined in the lib directory of our web 
app. Besides, the error was not at the compile time. It was during the run time.

My colleague has found a solution to the problem. We are still validating it.
The solution goes something like this..

Our implementation of ActionForms were kept in a file called classes.jar and was 
placed in the same lib directory (Web-Inf). Now this classes.jar also contained files 
required by our EJBs. So, When the EJBs were deployed, this jar file had already been 
loaded into the classpath (note that this file already contained our implementations 
of ActionForms, so consequently these files were already in the classpath).
When the jsp page which referenced these ActionForms was requested, it seems Weblogic 
tries to load the struts.jar again. But since ActionForms have already been loaded cos 
of our EJBs, this load of struts.jar confuses Weblogic, as it has two ActionForms in 
the classpath and hence give the NoClassDefFound Error.

The solution is to not load the same classes twice. This is done by taking out the 
classes that are required by the JSPs in a separate classes-web.jar and keeping these 
classes only in the Web-inf directory lib.

Comments/questions welcome..


-----Original Message-----
From: Max Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 6:05 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: NoClassDefFoundError - Weblogic 6.1

I noticed something very strange in WL 6.1 SP2 -- it will not load jars that
have more than one dot in the name. I had to change our
jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar to jakarta-regexp-1_2.jar (got rid of the . in 1.2)
to get it to load correctly. If your struts jar is called struts-1.1.jar or
something like that, it might not load correctly.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Cavaness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I had this problem recently with our WL installation. I can't remember the
> exact cause. Obviously it's all about class loaders. The difference
> the parent class loader and the one that is used to load the web app. One
> thing to check, see if you have the WEB-INF classes directory in the
> classpath. If it is, try taking it out and see what happens. You're right
> of course, the struts.jar should be in the lib directory of the web app.
> Chuck
> At 09:55 PM 4/8/2002 +0530, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >The error is:
> >
> >java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/ActionForm
> >The environment is:
> >Weblogic 6.1 SP1
> >WIN NT 2000
> >Struts.jar is in the lib directory of our application.
> >The JSP includes other JSPs which are included using the directive. I
> >traced the error to an included JSP which is using the <html: form> tag.
> >This error is being thrown by this tag library as it is not finding the
> >above class.
> >The error goes away by keeping struts.jar in the classpath of Weblogic
> >startup. Of course this is not the solution.
> >Any clues?
> >Rgs,
> >Vikram

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