I have spent some time lately figuring out how I can generate beans
on-the-fly with fields completely specified at run-time, since this would
be an enourmeous help when working with JDBC and Struts in an informal
matter (which is why I ask here :-)

I have used Apache Jakarta BCEL to construct the byte-code I need for the
bean (verified by dumping it to disk, and using "java" and 'javap -c' on
the class file), and I would then like to get the SystemClassLoader and
call defineClass on my byte array to get a Class, and then resolve it.

Unfortunately I cannot do this, since the defineClass method is protected
final, so I am a bit at a loss here.  I just need some code which can
instantiate my byte code into a Class, so I can get this working.   I
would prefer not to use physical files, but I have a JSP-environment so
that might be an option.  (Resin+Tomcat).

Is there somebody who have a solution for this problem?  I would
appreciate all pointers.

  Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
  Scandiatransplant, c/o Christian Mondrup
  89 49 53 01

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