My thought is that MVC is a programming model, pardigm or what have you, and
not an architecture. I wrote my own MVC framework, and have seen many many
others out there. If MVC becomes a spec, does that mean Struts is the only
one that does it according to the spec, and all of the other ones have to
suddenly change (perhaps drastically) to be a correct implementation of MVC?

Instead of shooting for a programming model as a JCP, I'd shoot for specific
architectures, such as what Struts provides for the web community.

These are just my thoughts, but I sure would hate to be "forced" (so to
speak) to rework my framework just so that developers would consider it a
"compatible" MVC framework.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandra Cann
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: 4/24/2002 3:36 PM
Subject: MVC specification Request

On the topic of the JCP, here goes something I've had on my mind since
JavaOne announcement. As you know during JavaOne there was an
announcement that Sun opens Java to Open Source community.  Future
of Java can feature APIs developed by the open source community under
changes to the Java Community Process (JCP).  Java Community Process
is the formal process described for developing for revising Java

As an Struts evangelist, I would like to ask this list whether the is
interest abound in this group to INITIATE A JAVA MVC SPECIFICATION
to The idea is that Struts would be a open source reference
implementation of the developed MVC specification.

I feel the value proposition is there from the perspective of Sun's
objective of making Java applications "integratable" - and that means
should share a common architecture of which MVC is a foundation
which would help fulfill that objective.

I look forward to your thoughts.


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