
I concur that the web application architecture space is approaching maturity
where it makes sense to start thinking about standardization. Furthering
your point that the view part is already being take care of between JSTL and
Faces in the Java standards world; there is all the more reason to
standardize on the MC parts since they inter-relate.

> it's a combination of technical skills at crafting a viable
> standard without over-constraining the implementation, plus the political
> skills to gain consensus among expert group members

There's one person that comes to mind that would be ideal to lead this
worthy endeavor to create a  specification standard for the MVC. It is
someone that is very highly regarded technically in the area of MVC, is an
excellent communicator, is an community leader, and has exemplary political
skills to boot.

Please forgive my boldness Craig - but your skills would make this a real
possibility. I do appreciate there is the issue of time. Who has time? Is
the value there for you to commit your time? One value proposition is that
your leadership role would reflect on and promote the Struts project.

I also concur that Struts is a very popular de facto standard in this space
and all the more reason that I feel you are the most appropriate person to
lead this standardization process.

Further as the Java world around web applications is changing, MVC not to
mention Struts is evolving with these changes:
- Servlet 2.4 (JSR154)
- JSP 1.3 (JSR152)
- JSP Standard Tag Library 1.0 (JSR52)
- JavaServerFaces (JSR127)
- Web Services
- Portals

In a few of these areas like web services it is my understanding it is not
yet defined how Struts will evolve. Would then the time invested in the
standardization process directly benefit how Struts evolves?

How do you feel about leading the process?  How do others in the community

Sandra Cann
Open Standards based Java components

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