I was trying to do just that. I couldn't figure out how to call Jspc from a
<java> task, I even tried to use Apply to no avail.

Thanks, this was very helpful!


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:19 AM
Subject: RE: Anyone Using Struts with JDeveloper9i and/or BC4J?

> Are you using Ant to build?  If so, here's an Ant target that will
> pre-compile your JSPs using the OC4J compiler.  If everything compiles
> correctly, it deletes the files.
> <PRE>
>   <!-- JSP precompile classpath -->
>   <path id="precompile.class.path">
>     <pathelement location="${oc4j.dir}/j2ee/home/lib/ojsp.jar"/>
>     <pathelement location="${oc4j.dir}/j2ee/home/crimson.jar"/>
>     <pathelement location="${oc4j.dir}/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar"/>
>     <pathelement path="classes"/>
>   </path>
>   <!-- Pre-compile all JSPs using OC4J JSP compiler -->
>   <target name="precompile" depends="compile">
>     <delete dir="../jsp_precomp"/>
>     <mkdir dir="../jsp_precomp"/>
>     <java classname="oracle.jsp.tools.Jspc" fork="yes" dir="../jsp"
> failonerror="yes">
>       <arg line="-verbose -approot ${basedir}/.. -srcdir ../jsp_precomp -d
> ../jsp_precomp ../jsp/*"/>
>       <classpath refid="precompile.class.path"/>
>     </java>
>   </target>
> </PRE>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Otavio C. Decio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 6:52 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Anyone Using Struts with JDeveloper9i and/or BC4J?
> Hi Steve,
> We rolled our own data access layer, instead of using BC4J. We are being
> successful on building a Struts-based application using JDeveloper
> we are still unable to have our project compile JSP's with the newer
> versions of Struts, mainly the Beta1.1. It would be very helpful if you
> could give us a JDeveloper configuration that compiles. I gave up trying
> figure out and we are sticking to the version prior to Beta1. For reasons
> that I cannot understand, it (JDeveloper) throws an exception and produces
> 0-length java file. I suspect that might have something to do with
> xml parser, Struts requires xerces and I don't know if there is any
> incompatibility. Or I have more JDK's than I should, I need to try to
> install JDeveloper on a clean machine.
> Another annoyance (I mean, extremely annoying) is that JDeveloper tries to
> do a syntax check on the file while editing, and most of the time it
> the CPU to 100% and sits there for about 10 seconds. Until it comes back
> can't do anything, such as for example coding. You type some more and
> you need to wait. If you add up the time you lose waiting for it to come
> back, it will be hours wasted.
> Other than that, it is a good environment for developing apps for OAS.
> Regards,
> Otavio
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Muench" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 11:25 AM
> Subject: Anyone Using Struts with JDeveloper9i and/or BC4J?
> > With our JDeveloper 9.0.2 release nearly out the door,
> > we are feverishly working on new features for our next
> > release (9.0.3).
> >
> > One of these areas is making JDeveloper9i an even better
> > environment to model, code, debug, profile, build,
> > source-control, and deploy Struts applications that
> > work with relational databases.
> >
> > A sub-part of this theme is making our Business Components
> > for Java (BC4J) J2EE framework even easier to plug-in as
> > the Model layer of a Struts application.
> >
> > I'm interested in (offlist or onlist) feedback in what
> > troubles or triumphs people have had trying to use
> > JDeveloper9i and/or BC4J with Struts so that we can
> > fold that feedback into our next product version to
> > polish any existing rough edges.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > __________________________________________________________
> > Steve Muench - Developer, Product Mgr, Evangelist, Author
> > Simplify J2EE and EJB Development with BC4J
> > http://otn.oracle.com/products/jdev/htdocs/j2ee_bc4j.html
> > Building Oracle XML Apps, www.oreilly.com/catalog/orxmlapp
> >
> >
> > --
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