I wish I could help you, Vip, but I don't have any experience with Java and
PDFs.  There are people on the list, however, who are doing this stuff and
can probably help you, so I'm cc'ing the group.  Otherwise, I know a lot of
people are doing this (and I probably will be too, soon), so try a Google
search on the keywords in your message.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nekkalapudi, Viplava [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:40 PM
To: Galbreath, Mark
Subject: some web stuff

      Sorry to mail you directly (please let me know if you mind).
      I have seen your replies in the struts mailing lists regarding some
problems which I have right now.
      I hope you have some idea on these.
      There are two different issues, I want to clarify before I implement

    1.  We just started using iText to generate reports.
         Right we open PDF's in the browser window (My acrobat reader is set
up like that).
         Is there a way to open PDF in a separate acrobat window, 
         by not changing the acrobat reader 'Preferences/General/Options'?.
         Means Can we control this from servlet? We are using Struts.
         I don't know the settings on the client machine, and I want to
ignore whatever set 
         on the client machine.

    2.  I have set up the my action servlet  "nocache" property to "true" in
the web.xml.
         So that the browser avoids caching the pages. This can be set up
from the browser on individual machines 
         also. But adding this property to the action servlet control the
browser settings.
         The problem now is, whenever I open a PDF file, close the PDF file,
         select other button to open different page fails and opening the
same PDF again.
         The button should go to different action mapping. But browser is
caching the PDF file.
          How to avoid caching of PDF files and not only HTML files.

         Thanks in advance.

-- Vip

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