Hi folks,

I just got started with J2EE, Struts, etc. a few days ago and am not sure 
of a few things.  I also have an error question.

First of all, I read that in the earlier Struts version of 0.5 that the 
action.xml file was used and is not.  Unfortunately, the examples I'm 
following uses this files when configuration should actually be done in the 
struts-config.xml.  What's going on here?  Does this mean that the *.do is 
no longer relevant?

<!-- Standard Action Servlet Mapping -->

Also, I'm having some problems with global forwarding, action mapping, and 
tags.  I'm simple trying to link to another jsp page from my index.  I'm 
not sure whether I should use the page or forward attribute, although I 
would assume page.  Anyway, here's my code.

<html:link forward="editorsLogin">
<bean:message key="index.editorsLogin"/>



        <forward name="editorsLogin"    path="/editorsLogin.jsp"/>
        <forward name="submitApp"       path="/submitApp.jsp"/>


Here are the errors I've gotten from trying to use page and forward in my 

Parse Error at line 23 column 52: Attribute "path" is required and must be 
specified for element type "forward
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute "path" is required and must be 
specified for element type "forward".

Parse Fatal Error at line 49 column 17: Element type "forward-name" must be 
followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type "forward-name" must be followed 
by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".

org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: /editorsLogin.jsp(17,0) 
Attribute > has no value

Thanks.  Sorry for the long-winded e-mail, I'll get a hang of this stuff 
eventually (or at least linking, I hope ;) ).

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