No, thank you!  this ought to give this list something to fight about for
the next 4-5 days.  ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Soomar, Muki (R.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 1:57 PM

Thanks Mark. That was very helpful. Please read on..

-----Original Message-----
From: Soomar, Muki (R.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 12:34 PM

I am still new to struts and going through the documentation.
Here are some general questions for the gurus who understand the 
DTDs for struts-config.xml file and its usage.

<action> element
1. Why is the attribute "type" for the <action> element named so. Wouldnt
the attribute name "action-class" be more intuitive here ? 
No, because in Jave, a "type" is the kind of object and all non-primitive
types are classes.
<Muki>Dont agree. You might have gotten used to using the way it is defined.
the mapping still refers to a class and not to an object in memory.
So I THINK  "action-class" is more appropriate and intuitive.

2(a). Attribute "name" for the same <action> element refers to the
form. Again "form-class" would have been more intuitive. 
A "name" in HTML refers to the form entity reference; there is nothing
counter-intuitive about this.
<Muki> Don't agree. The mapping here is again referring to a class as
opposed to a mere reference for the form. So again I THINK "form-class"
is more appropriate.

2(b) Attribute "attribute" also refers to the form class for the example
I am confused between the usage of the two. (Still need to do a bit more
but intuitive attribute names would have helped in the first reading very
much !)
A Java attribute is a reference to a name-value pair, and that is how it is
used in Struts, same as it is in servlets.
<Muki> Dont quite understand what you are implying here.

3. Attribute "input" is intuitive, but "input-uri" or "input-url" would have
more intuitive
<Muki> Just so that XML be used for making the document more readable and
easy to understand for anyone looking at it.

4. Sub-element <forward> has attribute "name" that refers to the type of 
result based on which forwards could be redirected. Wouldnt it be simpler
to just call this attribute "result-type" instead of "name".
No, because the attribute is entirely arbitrary - it is merely an identifier
for the forwarding mechanism to find the appropriate path.  It is not a Java
<Muki> Well, appropriately named identifiers can help.

Any particular reasons for this naming convention.
Yes, to confuse newbies and guarantee job security by making it particularly
difficult to learn.
<Muki>  Seems like it and have to agree on this one. :)


Muki Soomar

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