Thanks Ted,

I am still not clear how should i implement the Employee value object.

1. should i keep it as a field on EmpForm?
2. should i store it in Request object so that it would be available to
3. What should i do , in case if i get a list of EmpVo? i mean how
   should i implement this list? should i use a Collection nad store
   it on a EmpForm or in Request object?


>From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Need Design Help
>Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 07:14:27 -0400
>This seems fine, except that EmpForm should have all the display
>properties that your application needs.
>This may or may not be all the properties for an employee. It may also
>include properties that would not pertain to an employee, like the
>hidden field cited in (2).
>It's possible that you might want an EmpBean that has all the properties
>of an employee, and an EmpForm that has all the properties of an
>employee form.
>These properties used by these objects may intersect, but each is a
>different object. (Like the the difference between a job applicant and a
>job application form.)
>-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
>-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
>-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
>-- Web:
>vivek shrivastava wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to learn and create a working DB based application using 
> > I have figured out following steps to follow, may be this is not the 
> > practice. I would like to get some comments from struts and Java guru.
> > Please feel free to correct me.
> >
> > 1. Create a EmpForm class which has all the property of a employee and
> >    all the set and get methods. This EmpForm also may has a colloection
> >    of EmpVO ( value object) fiels. This class extend ValidatorForm
> >    class and implement Iterator interface.
> >
> >    Q. I still not sure, where should I store EmpVO, whether as a field
> >       in EmpForm or in Request object? Please advise here
> >
> > 2. Create a BaseAction class. Which extend the Action class and
> >    override the execute method. Based on a hidden field execute method
> >    call different methods (like for save or new or display). All these
> >    methods will be override in proper sub class.
> >
> > 3. Create a EmpAction class which extend BaseAction class. Override the
> >    required methods. Let’s say it override displayEmp method.
> >    DisplayEmp return a Collection of EmpVO.
> >
> >        In DisplayEmp method we do  following things
> >          EmpBO empbo = new EmpBO()     // EmpBO is business delegates
> >          Collection empVO = empbo.getVO()
> >
> > 4. Create a class EmpDAOFactory to get the actual Implementation of
> >    BaseDAO interface using JNDI. It has a getDAO() function that will
> >    return EmpDAO.
> >
> >     In the contructor of EmpBO
> >       EmpDAO empdao = EmpDAOFactory.getDAO()
> >
> >     In getVO() function of EmpBO
> >        return empdao.DisplayEmp()
> >
> > 5. BaseDAO interface has all the functions related to user actions
> >    (like save,display,new..) and will be implemented by a every DB
> >    access related classes.
> >
> > 6. constructor of EmpDAO uses JNDI to get a instance of datastore using
> >    deployment descriptor.
> >
> >       EmpDAO.DisplayEmp() function do following
> >           Get dbconnection
> >           Build and Execute sql
> >           Build EmpVO
> >           Close the dbconnection
> >           Return EmpVO
> >
> > 7. At this ponit control will go back to EmpAction class, and now
> >    EmpAction has Collection of EmpVO. Now we can either set this EMPVO
> >    to a filed in EmpForm or store it in Request object. ( I am not sure
> >    which one is better)
> >
> > Your comments would be greatly appreciated. Please help me to build my 
> > application.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
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