If you are using the EmpVo to populate the EmpForm, then the Action can
retrieve the EmpVo from the business layer, and pass it ot a bulk setter
on the EmpForm 


If you are using the EmpForm to populate the EmpVo, then the ActionForm
can return an EmpVo 

EmpVo empForm.getEmpVo(); 

and then have the Action pass it up to the business layer. 

If you have a collection of EmpVo's, I would just pass those along to
the presentation layer for display. The tags work through reflection, so
you are not binding the EmpVo to the presentation layer, just the name
of the getter. 

This gets a little advanced, but even the html:form tags can use any
JavaBean. So you can set the tags using an EmpVo, and then catch them
using an EmpForm. If the names of the properties match, the class
doesn't matter. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web: http://husted.com/about/services

vivek shrivastava wrote:
> Thanks Ted,
> I am still not clear how should i implement the Employee value object.
> 1. should i keep it as a field on EmpForm?
> 2. should i store it in Request object so that it would be available to
>    EmpForm
> 3. What should i do , in case if i get a list of EmpVo? i mean how
>    should i implement this list? should i use a Collection nad store
>    it on a EmpForm or in Request object?
> Thanks
> Vivek
> >From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Need Design Help
> >Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 07:14:27 -0400
> >
> >This seems fine, except that EmpForm should have all the display
> >properties that your application needs.
> >
> >This may or may not be all the properties for an employee. It may also
> >include properties that would not pertain to an employee, like the
> >hidden field cited in (2).
> >
> >It's possible that you might want an EmpBean that has all the properties
> >of an employee, and an EmpForm that has all the properties of an
> >employee form.
> >
> >These properties used by these objects may intersect, but each is a
> >different object. (Like the the difference between a job applicant and a
> >job application form.)
> >
> >-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
> >-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
> >-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
> >-- Web: http://husted.com/about/services
> >
> >
> >vivek shrivastava wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am trying to learn and create a working DB based application using
> >struts.
> > > I have figured out following steps to follow, may be this is not the
> >best
> > > practice. I would like to get some comments from struts and Java guru.
> > > Please feel free to correct me.
> > >
> > > 1. Create a EmpForm class which has all the property of a employee and
> > >    all the set and get methods. This EmpForm also may has a colloection
> > >    of EmpVO ( value object) fiels. This class extend ValidatorForm
> > >    class and implement Iterator interface.
> > >
> > >    Q. I still not sure, where should I store EmpVO, whether as a field
> > >       in EmpForm or in Request object? Please advise here
> > >
> > > 2. Create a BaseAction class. Which extend the Action class and
> > >    override the execute method. Based on a hidden field execute method
> > >    call different methods (like for save or new or display). All these
> > >    methods will be override in proper sub class.
> > >
> > > 3. Create a EmpAction class which extend BaseAction class. Override the
> > >    required methods. Let’s say it override displayEmp method.
> > >    DisplayEmp return a Collection of EmpVO.
> > >
> > >        In DisplayEmp method we do  following things
> > >          EmpBO empbo = new EmpBO()     // EmpBO is business delegates
> > >          Collection empVO = empbo.getVO()
> > >
> > > 4. Create a class EmpDAOFactory to get the actual Implementation of
> > >    BaseDAO interface using JNDI. It has a getDAO() function that will
> > >    return EmpDAO.
> > >
> > >     In the contructor of EmpBO
> > >       EmpDAO empdao = EmpDAOFactory.getDAO()
> > >
> > >     In getVO() function of EmpBO
> > >        return empdao.DisplayEmp()
> > >
> > > 5. BaseDAO interface has all the functions related to user actions
> > >    (like save,display,new..) and will be implemented by a every DB
> > >    access related classes.
> > >
> > > 6. constructor of EmpDAO uses JNDI to get a instance of datastore using
> > >    deployment descriptor.
> > >
> > >       EmpDAO.DisplayEmp() function do following
> > >           Get dbconnection
> > >           Build and Execute sql
> > >           Build EmpVO
> > >           Close the dbconnection
> > >           Return EmpVO
> > >
> > > 7. At this ponit control will go back to EmpAction class, and now
> > >    EmpAction has Collection of EmpVO. Now we can either set this EMPVO
> > >    to a filed in EmpForm or store it in Request object. ( I am not sure
> > >    which one is better)
> > >
> > > Your comments would be greatly appreciated. Please help me to build my
> >first
> > > application.
> > >
> > > Thanks

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