
yes, in that way, we can get a value in a map which in turn is wrapped as a 
bean property, but what about if "my bean is a map itself".

(NOTE: We know about the different concept among a JavaBean spec class and a 

Is there any way for that situation?

I have been inspecting BeanUtils package from Jakarta Commons, and it seens 
to inspect any kind of property within a bean, mapped, indexed, simple, 
nested, composed, but I can not find a way to inspect a map directly.

The reason to use a map rather than a bean is that, in that way, we can have 
a general value object and not a specific bean for each JSP.

AFAIK we can solve the problem by replacing the map by a dynabean as value 
object, but we have some application already working in production made with 
Struts 1.0, when not dynabeans were available, and we needed to work out our 
own tags to patch this situation.

I have suspicions that experts rejects using maps as value objects. However 
I think that more for a traditional reason that for another one. I have seen 
at EJB design patterns by Floyd Marinescu, page 59, a pattern using hashmaps 
as data transfer objects. Could this "transfer" by understood as transfer 
"to JSP"? I would grateful any light.

Any solution to this issue? Thanks in advance.


>From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Getting an object from a Hashtable
>Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 08:45:51 -0400
>Under Struts 1.1b, you could probably use the same approach that is used
>to store ActionForm properties in a map.
>     private Map values = null;
>     public void setValues(Map values) {
>         this.values = values;
>     }
>     public Map getValues() {
>         return this.values;
>     }
>     public void setValue(String key, Object value) {
>         getValues().put(key,value);
>     }
>     public Object getValue(String key) {
>         return getValues().get(key);
>     }
> > <logic:equal name="myBean" property="value(valid)" value="false">
> >     Do something here.
> > </logic:equal>
>"Struts Newsgroup (@Basebeans.com)" wrote:
> >
> > Subject: Getting an object from a Hashtable
> > From: "Scott Curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  ===
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to be able to check the value of a property held within a 
> > using a Struts tag such as <logic:equal />. For example I have a 
> > which contains a collection of JavaBeans. In the JSP I know the key for 
> > object in the Hashtable. I want to be able to select an object from the
> > Hashtable according to a specified key and then compare a property value 
> > the returned object using it's getter.
> >
> > Something along these lines:
> >
> > MyBean contains a Hashtable called myHash full of JavaBean conformant
> > objects. MyBean has a getter to return the Hashtable getMyHash(). Each 
> > the objects in the Hashtable is of type AnotherBean and they all have
> > getters and setters. I want to get an object from the Hashtable using 
> > key "obj1". The bean returned using "obj1" has a 'valid' property with a
> > getter isValid().
> >
> > This is what I want to do but it doesn't work obviously because 
> > isn't a bean that can be queried from property getters and setters:
> >
> > <logic:equal name="MyBean" property="myHash.obj1.valid" value="false">
> >     Do something here.
> > </logic:equal>
> >
> > Is there another tag I can use to first get the AnotherBean from myHash 
> > order for it to be used in the tag above? So basically me question is 
> > simply how can I get an object from a Hashtable using Struts tags or any
> > other tags out there? I don't want to iterate the Hashtable by the way.
> >
> > Thanks, if anyone understands that and can help. :-)
> >  - scott
> >
> > --
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>-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
>-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
>-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
>-- Web: http://husted.com/about/services
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