Posting to my own question:

As I workaround I figure out to override the Struts 1.1 DynaActionForm with 
a customized one which has a reset doing nothing, and specify in 
struts-config the dyna forms with type="the customized DynaActionForm".

However I am afraid that I am missing something.


>From: "Adolfo Miguelez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: DynaActionForm reset vs ActionForm reset (URGENT, TIA)
>Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 13:05:41 +0000
>Hi All,
>I run in same issue that Jay Paulsen did weeks ago. He did not get any
>answer so I would like to post if back. The point is that, Action Form
>reset() method does nothing which for my application is find. The problem
>arises when, migrating to DynaActionForms, reset() methods actually resets
>the form, previously to fill it with request parameters.
>Since my form holds disabled inputs, they are not transferred in the
>request. As the form is reset, I loose the previous values in the
>parameters, so I get null data for the disabled HTML input fields.
>This behaviour was fine in ActionForm, since values where stored (and not
>reset) in the form, but is making troubles with DynaActionForms.
>I would be grateful if anyone can give some pointer if this is a expected
>performance, and which is a workaround or the way to proceed or is just a
>design flaw in Struts 1.1.
>Best regards,
>I just started playing with DynaActionForms and have noticed that the reset
>method resets all properties to their initial values.  This is different
>from the ActionForm where the reset method did nothing.  In the past I've
>usually redirected to an action to redisplay a form that was submitted but
>was found to be in error.  Using a subclass of ActionForm without the reset
>method overridden allows for the form contents to be displayed across a
>sendRedirect.  When I substitute the ActionForm subclass with a
>DynaActionForm, the contents are reset and there are no request parameters
>to repopulate it since a sendRedirect was used.  This results in an empty
>form for the user.
>So I figure I have two options -
>1) don't do a sendRedirect - do a forward instead
>2) Subclass DynaActionForm and override reset to do nothing (hack)
>My questions ...
>Was I doing something bad (or ignorant) by not overriding the reset method
>on my old ActionForm sub classes?
>How do you handle errors - do you just forward to the page to redisplay the
>form?  I was doing a sendRedirect to avoid the reload/refresh problem.
>What's the best way to avoid the refresh/reload problem?
>If I choose option 2 above - am I asking for trouble?
>Any comments are greatly appreciated.
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