Why not use J2EE/WEB standard container authentication?  It will do what you
want.  In fact, it was designed to do what you want, which is called Lazy,
or just in time, authentication.  The user can surf your page, however, when
he links to a protected item, a login page (of your choosing) will be
displayed.  After the user is authenticated, the proceeds to the protected


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Mann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 3:53 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Best way to forward to login, then re-forward to originally
requested resource?

I've got a typical struts application up and running. Certain actions check
to see if the user is logged in, and if not, forward to a login JSP. That
JSP then posts to a LoginAction. The LoginAction then forwards back to the
originally requested action.

The problem I have is that currently, this stuff is really hacked up. The
login JSP has a hidden field indicating the desired action, and the action
has to append a ".do" to that value, etc. The original action puts a request
attribute in (the result of it calling mapping.getPath()).

Surely, there is a much cleaner way to do this, one that works for both
Actions and JSPs, and that works without special code to handle the URL
mapping for actions.



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