on 5/28/02 5:19 PM, Alex Paransky at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Why not use J2EE/WEB standard container authentication?  It will do what you
> want.  In fact, it was designed to do what you want, which is called Lazy,
> or just in time, authentication.  The user can surf your page, however, when
> he links to a protected item, a login page (of your choosing) will be
> displayed.  After the user is authenticated, the proceeds to the protected
> resource.

Well, let's say for the sake of argument, that it's not authentication we're
talking about. Let's say, instead, that in order to perform some Action B,
some other Action A must be done first. However, doing A does not
necessarily mean you'll do B next. What's the best way to "remember" that B
was what the user wanted to do, but forward them to A first?


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